It is February, so that means is it time to team up with Farley for the monthly Currently! I just L.O.V.E. these!
As I was working on this, I had just gotten home from sitting in doctoral classes for two days. I was glad to be home, and I was glad to sit in front of the crackling fire and watch television with my little family! And the hubby had supper cooked, too!
While I was gone, I guess my little one decided to wear many wardrobes...the mountain of laundry is going to erupt at any moment! I want a little bit of sunshine. It has just been too cold for too long here in Georgia. It is not normally like this, so I don't know how to act. I like sunshine! In addition to the laundry that has to be washed, dried, folded, and put up, I also need to work on some RTI folders that I have been pushing to the side this week. I might as well just go ahead and tackle them (getting ready for the Super Bowl).
Two Truths and a Fib: Can anyone guess which is my fib?
1. I am addicted to Diet Coke. There, I said it.
2. I am a southern gal, but I despise collard greens. I don't like the smell of them, nor do I like the taste.
3. I am the first-born child. I have a sister who is five years younger than I am, and she is also a teacher.
Since it is February, I uploaded a new mini-unit that is a supplement for Black History Month. If you are interested, you can give it a look.

Have fun getting your laundry done...yuck! I have that on my currently as well. No sun here in Houston either, it's actually raining.
Literacy Spark
I am not looking forward to the laundry, but I need to get stated. Thanks for stopping by!
I am addicted to Diet Coke too. I'm on day 34 of no Diet Coke's soooo hard. :(
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
I really need to kick the habit...maybe this summer! :)