I am sure that if you are reading this there is a special teacher that comes to your mind who made an impact on your life. For me, that teacher was my fifth grade language arts teacher, Ms. Crew. She is the reason I am a teacher today; it was through her compassion and patience with our class, that made me want to teach. She worked hard everyday and treated everyone with fairness. She instilled a love for reading and learning in me, and I am truly grateful to have had her as a teacher. Ms. Crew, thank you for making such a lasting impression on my life and for being an example of a fabulous teacher.
In appreciation for teachers everywhere, Teachers Pay Teachers is hosting a site-wide sale. My TpT store will be 20% off on May 7th and May 8th. I hope you will stop by and check out the new resources I have added. I have several end-of-the-year resources that will keep your students engaged until the very last day of school.
I have also just added a new resource that I think will be a life-saver to many teachers. It is called Write with Me Journal. It contains 36 journals to be used throughout the entire school year. It is designed to be used as a take-home journal where the students interact with a parent/guardian/family member to help write many of the journals. It is aligned with the Common Core Standards for grades four, five, and six. There is a journal log where the parent initials the completion of the journal entry. I love that it promotes writing in the home and gives the students and parents the opportunity to spend quality time together. If you teach language arts or have writing as part of your curriculum, make sure you check it out.
All 14 All Things Upper Elementary collaborators will be hosting 20% off sales on Tuesday and Wednesday. On top of the the 20% off, if you enter the coupon code "TAD13" at checkout, you will take an additional 10% off your purchase. Now is the time to stock up on those items you have had your eye on for a while. I know my cart is full of great things, and I cannot wait to purchase them at these wonderful sale prices!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Happy Teaching and Happy Shopping!